Our credentials and success
Top Producer was founded in 1986 and has coached over 30,000 advisors during the ensuing years. No one has worked with more Financial Advisors than has Top Producer.
The reason we are #1 is that we get results. Test ResultsIn a carefully controlled test, 200 advisors enrolled in a Top Producer program. At the end of twelve months, those 200 advisors enjoyed a 54% increase in production while control groups were up on 17%. A net gain of 37% was attributable to our efforts! Click here to see result details.
What makes Top Producer so special?
Our clients tell us:
“Your advice is so real.” All we do now is work with advisors. We talk with more advisors every day than anyone else in the country. Every day we hear great ideas for doing things even better. Everything we coach you to do has been used by successful advisors in the field. All of our coaching advice is specific and detailed. We do not give you vague advice.
“You play to my strengths.” The coaching we provide is not a strait jacket. We encourage you to be who you are. We give you lots of choices about how to proceed and we encourage you to play to your strengths. You need to be who you are!
“You really care.” We are committed to doing whatever we can to help you succeed. And we mean it. Your success is our priority. Period.
“Your advice is so real.” All we do now is work with advisors. We talk with more advisors every day than anyone else in the country. Every day we hear great ideas for doing things even better. Everything we coach you to do has been used by successful advisors in the field. All of our coaching advice is specific and detailed. We do not give you vague advice.
“You play to my strengths.” The coaching we provide is not a strait jacket. We encourage you to be who you are. We give you lots of choices about how to proceed and we encourage you to play to your strengths. You need to be who you are!
“You really care.” We are committed to doing whatever we can to help you succeed. And we mean it. Your success is our priority. Period.